Monday, October 11, 2010

Study, study, study...

Some of you probably already know this, but I am back in school... again.  I started my MBA program in August, and while I am so happy that I am working towards this degree I have to say I am already tired of studying.  Part of it is probably just trying to get back in the swing of things, and part of it is pure laziness.  I mean who wouldn't want to sleep in and watch movies rather than study for finals?

The program has courses that are short, only 8 weeks apiece!  All along I have been thinking how fabulous these short classes are, until this week... it's finals week already!  Who knew that 8 weeks could fly by so fast?  However, I have to say I have really enjoyed my classes this semester.  Studying subjects like Organizational Behavior is so different from Thermodynamics and Physics that I am actually loving school again!  Well except for finals, and all the reading, and writing papers, and all the extra stress... 

So yesterday when I should have been reading these books I took pictures of them instead :)  Hey, a girl just has to take a break sometimes!  And in just a few short years I will be able to look back at this post, comment on how fast time flew by, and how happy I am that I just pushed through and did it!  I'll have my masters degree that I've always wanted, and I'll be able to confidently say that I never have to go back to school again! 

Well, knowing me I will go back... but I plan to only study subjects like cake decorating, Spanish, or pottery :)


  1. You get to read books called The No Asshole Rule?!?! Seriously???

    Remind me again why we decided to become engineers???

    (And is it horribly weird that part of me wishes that I was in school too just so we could study together? I miss you so much I would study just to hang out with you!)


  2. Save the books - I want to read them! --Mom
