Friday, July 22, 2011

Evan is HOME!!!

Last weekend I flew to Colorado to take engagement photos for my fabulous friend Shea and her soon-to-be hubby Roger.  Although those pictures will not be ready to share for another week or so... I wanted to tell you what else I got to do while in Colorado...

I got to see Evan!  My "baby" brother has spent the last 6 months in Australia and just recently got home.  He is working in the mountains the rest of the summer, so we met him up at Twin Lakes, CO to go fishing, hiking, and picnicking (ok picnicking probably isn't a word, but you get the point!)  I was SO excited to see him that I just ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.  My brother means so much to me, and the older we get the closer friends we seem to become.  I'm so thankful that the Lord brought him home safely to us :) 

Here are a few shots of our day together... Mom had the camera to get these first few of us.  She is starting to get the hang of the "big" camera!  Back-button focus and all ;)  Love you Mom! 

I know I look ridiculous in this first photo... don't make fun of me... I was SO excited!!!

I know I owe you all some posts on my most recent wedding and two engagement shoots... I promise they will be posted soon :)  Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Life Lately

Life has been busy as usual lately.  We are working on our back patio this summer, and trying to thoroughly soak up the sun whenever possible!  With no big vacations planned this summer it has been relaxing so far :) 

I often find that I am capturing moments of my life through the small lens of my iPhone, rather than carrying my big camera around on a daily basis.  One of my goals is to start carrying my camera with me more often, however I admit there is something kind of special about all the little snapshots that pile up on my phone. 

Today I thought I would share with you a few of the photos I've taken over the past couple weeks, all taken with the fabulous iPhone 4...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Q-Tip Monster

Q-tips have been disappearing from my house lately at a very rapid rate.  Every couple days I turn around and the little jar of them on the bathroom counter needs to be refilled!  I find this very odd because, honestly, I don't use a ton of q-tips... I mean, don't get me wrong, they're awesome little things useful on so many occasions (see a list of uses here!).  It's just that they seem to be disappearing faster than ever!

I decided that we must have a q-tip monster amongst us, coming in and stealing q-tips while Dwyatt and I are sleeping.  Apparently I was right because this morning the culprit was found, surrounded by evidence...

Weston (aka Q-tip Monster) = Guilty.